Hardway Bets
Hardway bets are Craps bets on the numbers 4, 6, 8 or 10 thrown in its double form (e.g. a hard 8 occurs when two 4s are thrown) before a 7 and before that number is thrown in any other combination.
A "hard" throw occurs when the shooter (player) throws either 2, 4, 6, 8 or 10 as doubles, meaning 1 1, 2 2, 3 3, 4 4 or 5 5. Throwing a number by a double is said to be a roll "the hard way." For example, 4 4 is called a "hard eight" while 5 3 is called an "easy eight." Thus, craps hard bets exist only for the numbers 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10.
Hardway bets have a notoriously high house edge, hence it is recommended that you play these bets once in a while in order to add excitement to the game. However, let it be said that the hardway bets are among the most profitable bets on the Craps table, if you win.
- The house edge on a hard 4 or 10 is 11.11% with a payout of seven to one.
- The house edge on a hard 6 or 8 is 9.09% with a payout of nine to one.
Basic Rules for Hardway Bets
- The bet is located in the center of the Craps table.
- The minimum wager for Hardway bets can be as little as 1$.
- The hard way bet is lost if a 7 is rolled.
- It can be taken back during any part of the game.
In any case, it is recommended that you place small hardway bets every once in a while, since they really do pay out well. Craps experts agree that hardway bets are somewhat of a "sucker" bet, considering that the house edge can go as high as 11.11%. On the other hand, a hardway bet is a lucrative bet, with payout as high as nine to one. Play a free craps game or a free sports contest now.